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Northern Iceland

Join David Clapp on an incredible 4x4 winter landscape workshop, exploring the quieter north of Iceland.

Fully Booked


£3,495.00 / £500.00 deposit


25th Jan - 1st Feb 2025

After many years of running tours to Southern Iceland, I stopped in 2016 as it was all getting way to crowded. Sick of the Skogafoss 'drone airport', the hundreds of photographers on the beach at Jokulsarlon, the I found solace photographing the quieter north, which can offer some spectacular lesser seen sights.

Embark on a photographic journey to the heart of Iceland's winter wonderland, where the serene beauty of snow-laden landscapes awaits. Its a great opportunity to capture the raw and majestic scenery of Northern Iceland, with a special focus on aurora photography, the awe-inspiring Aurora Borealis as we head into Solar Maximum.

Geothermal power station
Geothermal power station

We are staying Myvatn, a region known for its dramatic volcanic craters, steaming lava fields, and unique geological formations, offers a plethora of subjects for the keen photographer. The Skútustaðagígar pseudo craters, just a stone's throw from the Sel Hotel Myvatn, provide a striking foreground against the vast winter sky. The nearby Viti explosion crater in Krafla and the Hverir geothermal area, with its bubbling mud pools and fumaroles, are also not to be missed.

Solar Maximum

The year 2025 marks a solar maximum, promising heightened aurora activity. This natural phenomenon, with its vibrant colors rippling across the night sky, is a spectacle that I have photographed with groups of photographers since 2010. The Sel Hotel Myvatn offers a unique northern lights wake-up service to ensure you won't miss this celestial display. Locations around the Myvatn lake are ideal for setting up your tripod and witnessing the Northern Lights over fumaroles, wide craters that look like mini volcanos. 

The clear and dark skies of Myvatn during winter provide an exceptional opportunity for aurora.

Flocks of Snow Bunting
Flocks of Snow Bunting

Comfort and Convenience

After a day of exploration and photography which can take us in every direction, relax in the comfort of Sel Hotel Myvatn. The hotel's location offers a magnificent view of Lake Myvatn and the surrounding landscapes that we can photograph at any time.

Join us for this unforgettable photography tour, where the combination of expert guidance, a cozy base at Sel Hotel Myvatn, and the natural wonders of Northern Iceland will provide you with a treasure trove of photographic opportunities. Whether you're capturing the stillness of the landscapes, the dynamic aurora borealis, or the vast night sky, this tour is designed to enhance your skills and expand your portfolio with images of the extraordinary.

Additional Information

  • What does fitness level 'Moderate' mean?

    You need to be capable of walking for sustained periods, along footpaths and up moderate inclines. There will be no strenuous activity but it is advised that you take walks before the trips so you can cope with walking in snow, with a backpack and enjoy a week of photography in a cold climate.

  • Do we need to take internal flights?

    Not anymore. There is a direct flight to Akureyri from London Gatwick

  • Where do I meet you?

    Gatwick Airport for the recommended flight.

  • Suitable clothing?

    Ensure you bring good quality and above all footwear. I use a combination of walking shoes for driving and everyday use alongside North Face Chillkats, which are snow boots with padding and warmth for the coldest of nights. Iceland does not get anywhere near as cold as mainland Sweden or Finland (up to -40c for example)  but I suggest merino wool socks and insulated boots. Wind chill can be a massive factor, so ensure you have merino wool base layers / leggings as we will be standing around in exposed places often for reasonable lengths of time. Ski sallopettes are perfect, a down jacket can be hired if not bought. Pack a comfortable mid layer too. Ensure a quality hat and gloves are part of your wardrobe.

  • I suffer from the cold, should I come?

    Northern Iceland can be cold indeed, with temperatures as low as -15 to -25 under clear skies, will never be far from a warm vehicle. Temperatures this low are certainly not the same as the damp cold we get in get UK.

  • What if the weather is really wild?

    Hopefully we will get some incredible images, but group safety is absolutely paramount. I am very experienced at judging conditions and safety so rest assured. We will not be shooting in driving rain, but all other conditions could yield some amazing opportunities.

  • Will we shoot Aurora?

    It’s a primary photographic subject and we shall be headed out at every given opportunity to shoot aurora over mountains, waterfalls and amazing locations close to the vehicles.

  • What camera kit should I bring?

    An array of focal lengths will always benefit the Iceland photographer. A wide angle lens (16-35), medium zoom (24-70) and a longer zoom (70-300) will be ideal to cover most compositional eventualities.The most used will be in the 24-70 range as a super wide angle doesn’t always translate, so make sure this focal length is covered. It’s best not to weigh yourself down, so why not bring an airport style bag for all your kit and a smaller day bag, which you can decant equipment into throughout the day. For more information on specific kit, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

  • Do I need a computer?

    Although not essential, it’s a great idea to bring a laptop computer with you so you can discuss imagery with myself and others in the group. It really is a great learning experience, so I highly recommend bringing a laptop to learn and for personal entertainment.

  • What computer support do you give?

    I make a point of tutoring all my clients on digital photography to help complete the learning process. I am renowned as a leading digital professional and an Adobe Influencer and I will be screen recording my sessions so the learning continues. I have extensive knowledge to communicate on all levels and I spend time with all my clients helping them to process their images to a high standard. It really helps to have a computer session when tiredness takes hold, or inclement weather persists.

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