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Cappadocia Landscape and Aerial Photography Workshop 2025

A fabulous photographic experience to shoot the rich landscape of Cappadocia from the land and from a hot air balloon


£2,500.00 / £300.00 deposit


21st - 28th Jun 2025

Without a doubt, Cappadocia in Turkey is one of the most understated and photogenic landscapes. Formed millions of year ago by volcanic eruptions, the soft sedimentary clay has eroded into fascinating shapes and colours and it is this that we shall explore in detail and in the best light.

Cappadocia is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The strange cone shaped ‘fairy chimneys’, became the houses for settlers, who excavated rooms from the sediment. These make fascinating photographic subjects and have been used in many fantasy movies, including the original 1977 Star Wars. You will be surprised how intriguing they are.

Included in the cost of the trip is a balloon flight! We will rise into the skies at dawn to shoot the landscape and other balloons from the air, under the expert piloting of a superb balloon captain. It is a real trip highlight and provides some absolutely incredible photographic opportunities as one hundered balloons rise upwards into the early morning light. You will also have chance to take another flight at your own expense should you get the bug.

Sniping styled shoots in the desert...
Sniping styled shoots in the desert...

We will base or trip in the small, friendly town of Goreme, an hour away from the connecting airport of Nevsehir. This is a great place to explore the surrounding landscape like the Rose Valley, Orchisar and more. Its distinctive coloured rock will present all manner of photographic opportunities and we will concentrate our work when the light is at its best, either end of the day with exploratory walks in the later afternoon.

Expect to photograph the night sky over alien looking rock formations and learn to light paint the landscape with my expert advice. It makes a complete experience to come away with such a variety of images in just seven days.

Goreme is popular for hot air ballooning and we will take a balloon ride over the landscape to shoot sunrise from the air!

Easy to get to, easy to explore with wonderful photographic opportunities – come and join me for a landscape trip with a difference.

Gorgeous saturated colours... balloons launch into the sky every day
Gorgeous saturated colours... balloons launch into the sky every day

Additional Information

  • How do I get to Cappadocia?

    Easy flying from the UK to the Turkey with Turkish Airlines.

  • Where do I meet you?

    I suggest if you are not taking the suggested flight, then you meet either at the airport by arriving in advance of the recommended flights, or at the hotel in Goreme, Cappadocia. I will give you all the details.

  • Where are we staying?

    We will be using a well located hotel on the edge of the town. All accommodation has quality beds, showers and good internet access, with a rooftop terrace you can take photos from.

  • Is Cappadocia safe?

    Cappadocia is very safe. There is a common misconception that there is a migrant crisis as the location is near to Syria, so please get don’t think anything like this. The Turkish are wonderful, open hearted people, generous and accommodating. For the record, there are also no poisonous insects or spider risks.

  • What does the fitness level 'moderate' mean?

    We will undertake some longer walks and there will be some element of clambering over rocks, but there is no excessive hiking included in the trip. You will need to be moderately fit, just capable of sustaining an active day.

  • Tell me about the balloon flight...

    You have a balloon flight included in the cost of the tour, with one of the most reputable balloon companies in Cappadocia. We have a basket entirely to ourselves, so we will not be with any selfie stick tourists It’s a wonderful opportunity to shoot the landscape from the air and the pilot knows exactly what we want as photographers. There will be a chance to take another balloon ride at your own expense towards the end of the week, if you found this experience exciting.

  • What vaccinations do I need?

    Your standard vaccinations for European travel will see you well.

  • Do I need a visa?

    No, the eVisa situation is no longer required.

  • Food and drink?

    Turkey has wonderful wholesome food and we will go to wonderful and reputable restaurants in the town of Goreme. Spinach is a firm favourite of mine and if you are vegetarian or vegan, you will not have a problem eating here.

  • What's the weather / temperature like in Cappadocia?

    Temperature inJune will be anywhere between 25ºC in the day to 10ºC in the evening, with night-time lows close to 0ºC. The temperatures are very comfortable both day and night.

    The skies are often cloudless, so we will need to capitalise on dawn and dusk shooting, but there is so much to do that clouds are the least of your concerns.

  • What clothing shall I bring?

    Dress in comfortable loose clothing, like T-shirts, loose shirts with a collar or base layers as these will work very well at keeping you cool. I would refrain from any dark coloured clothing, like navy blue, black, dark red, as these will only make you feel even hotter.

    A warm jacket is essential for dawn / twilight shoots, but do bring some down clothing for night shoots and the balloon ride, as it can get cold at altitude. Don’t forget a floppy sun hat of some sorts. Sunglasses are an absolute essential - polarised ones will really help with creativity.

  • Footwear?

    Walking shoes are perfect for the terrain. You will not need heavy leather walking boots, these will just make you feel more uncomfortable. The terrain can be gritty / sandy so make sure they are higher sided. A pair of trainers / sneakers will help keep you feet cool and the walking easy, but these could fill with sand so I recommend a comfortable pair of broken in walking shoes.

  • What camera kit should I bring?

    A wide angle lens (16-35), medium zoom (24-70) and a longer zoom (70-300) will be ideal to cover most compositional eventualities but don’t forget the macro lens if you have one. However, if you do have a longer lens (up to 600mm, like the 100-400 with a 1.4x extender = 560mm) then do bring it along as there will be wildlife opportunities. The most used will be in the 24-70 range as a super wide angle doesn’t always translate, so make sure this focal length is covered. It’s best not to weigh yourself down, so why not bring an airport style bag for all your kit and a smaller day bag, which you can decant equipment into throughout the day.

    Head torches are a must, preferably two, with at least one set of replacement batteries.

  • Do I need a computer?

    Although not essential, its a great idea to bring a laptop computer with you so you can discuss imagery with myself and others in the group. It really is a great learning experience, so I highly recommend bringing a laptop to learn and for personal entertainment on longer journeys.

  • What computer support do you give?

    I make a point of tutoring all my clients on digital photography to help complete the learning process. I am renowned as a leading digital professional and an Adobe Influencer and I will be screen recording my sessions so the learning continues. I have extensive knowledge to communicate on all levels and I spend time with all my clients helping them to process their images to a high standard. It really helps to have a computer session when tiredness takes hold, or inclement weather persists.

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