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Silly Signs and Roadside Products in Scandinavia

I have been meaning to do this for some time, but now I think we are near the end, so it was time for an article that has been three years in the making. Many photographers highlight there persistence in the landscape to get the best photos, well this represents commitment and observation to a new level.

On my Scandinavian tours with Antony Spencer, the clients and leaders have spent  considerable time researching and hunting out products in roadside garages to bring to you today. This has become a new sport or ours and although it began in garages and shops, its now extended to signs and signposts or indeed anything.

Some of these are utterly hilarious and its a great way of keeping us going when we travel. In fact, once you start looking, you can't stop, so here is a collection of ones we have found over the last few years, taken by myself, Antony and clients in the last couple of years.

I take my fitness very seriously on these Arctic trips....

Antony wearing essential eyewear to stop snowblindness and the fillingstation hotdog... food of champions.


Here's where it all began, in Norway. As I enjoy music so much this signpost had me skipping back up the road...


Can you believe there's a place called Elektro, spelt in the street way... amazing


When there is no aurora, we do a lot of this....

The first thing you will notice in your hotel is that there is no shortage of Skum Foam, should you need it...  (it's a fire extinguisher)

Now this is plain wrong - we all know there absolutely are no 'hags' in Sweden....

Come on in for the best buttocks....

Now for some chocolate....

I confess - I am a Firklover.

Mmm... delicious.... But its actually quite hard to offer Plopp Plopp around the minibus...

Japp bars are made of Japanese tourists, thats why you dont see many of them in Scandinavia

Mmm, lets pig it all... 

Ok... who cut the cheese?


And I thought these were only available in the red light district in Amsterdam....

'Are you sure you dont want some of my Ass Mix....?'

Apprently its a tribute to a roadside explosion....

Wash it down with some Organic Human Juice, mmmm

How about giving dad some dubious beers.... (thanks Tim)

Now for some Car Cleaning Products

For those who had some Ass Mix, you're going to need some Ass Wipes afterwards....

(ok it was Bumber Shine)

(Ok, ok...  it was Cockpit Shine)

No comment! I have no idea what this is....

Now every man needs one of these....

... every lady needs a tube of this....

In our favourite resteraunt in Kiruna, no one ever ordered No36....

and finally.... from Australia... and quite unbelievably.... but worthy of coverage...
I have no idea how this was ever allowed.