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Photographing Humayun’s Tomb in Infrared

This is the remarkable tomb of Humayun, built by his rather loving wife to celebrate his departure from this world to the next. It's easy to see how this building influenced the Taj Mahal, but rather than being made entirely out of marble, it is constructed from red sandstone.

The image is one of my 'infrared specials', something that will run at the forefront of my photography here in India and on my return to the UK in springtime. Its become a huge passion as perhaps you will know, remaining in the bag at all times.

This was photographed using an architectural lens, the Canon 24mm TSEmk2, attached to my seven year old 5D(IR), still going strong, but soon to be replaced with a '6DIR' on my return.

I waited for just the right moment as this gardener approached and carefully rounded the bend in the path, the magic to enrich this simple and peaceful scene.