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Light and Land Valencia - Part 2

After returning from Provence, I have done nothing but photo processing and administration. I have completed five countries and Valencia was the last, so I thought I would show off some more of this magical location. I continue this article heralding the Canon EOS M3. The shots were all taken on the same morning and I can conclude that at first glance I do find it very hard to tell the difference between this and my DSLR gear. Yes, it’s that good. I will be writing a full article very shortly.

Back to the shoot - Reflections at the City of Arts and Sciences (COAS) are relatively common, but to get them consistent as the light changes is not easy. The sun warms the air and currents blow the still water until sunset. Most of these were taken over the space of an hour on the last day of the tour, with the stock 18-55mm lens.  

MORNING JOG - a jogger turns left… the water here is less than an inch deep. The camera had to be fairly low to the ground, but I couldn’t place the camera any lower as the water was too shallow, revealing the textured paving below.

EXIT RIGHT - I have no idea why I like this image so much, I think its the colour palette and the simplicity. Again just a few millimetres of water but the reflections really work well. The slightest breath of wind and it's all over.

AGORRA - already in the main portfolio, but definately one of my favourite images from my entire Valencia portfolio - the city is constantly evolving, the lamp posts hae now ruined another favourite image of mine from the bridge, but this comes in second place.

GOLD BARS - back lit tower blocks make a wonderful long lens subject. Using the 55-200mm, I am once again amazed at the detail and clarity the camera / lens combination is capable of resolving.

Finally, I was amazed at how much depth of field there is with the EOS M3 and 11-22mm combination. The camera is ducked down out of view of some ironwork, the Agorra and bridge creating an abstract view.

If you are interested in a workshop, I wont be running another for a few years to come to get around some necessary building work that is underway. I will not be returning until 2018.