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Light and Land Mall Galleries Report

Light and Land - Mall Galleries



Light and Land - Mall Galleries

The level of printing, framing, compositon and execution is ‘professional’ to be entirely straightworward. In fact most of the work provided by those exhibiting, either past Light and Land clients or other, eclipsed most of the leaders, myself included.

Mentioned (in no particular order) are the images I found most evocative or magnetic –

Light and Land - Mall Galleries
(C) Anna Booth - Fabulous inner landscapes 

Anna Booth is a true star in the art of the inner landscape and I have been a fan of her work for some time, just like pioneer David Ward. It wonderful to be able to relax into images like this, devoid of my usual landscape critique and enjoy them for exactly what they are – bold, beautiful and skillfully assembled images.

Light and Land - Mall Galleries
(C) Peter Nixon - 'Dawn at Curbar Edge'

Pete Nixon’s ‘Dawn at Curbar Edge’ gets me excitied to return this April for my trip with Doug Chinnery – it’s a beautiful render of this fabulous location, with wonderful light and compostional strength.


Light and Land - Mall Galleries
(C) Steve Tucker - 'Chrome and Parkhouse Hill'

Staying with the fringes of the Peak District, Steve Tucker’s beautiful image of Chrome and Parkhurst Hill in heavy snow offsets my own springtime version, in strong greens and blues. It’s a wonderful location which Steve has captured with strong bold simplicity in pristine conditions.


Light and Land - Mall Galleries
(C) Despina Kyriacou

Despina Kyriacou’s collection of sumptious abstracts strengthens the camp of DW + AB to explore the wonderful formula in even greater depth. I partularly love the bottom right image for its concept and bottom left for its peacock like colour palette. Strong images, simple frames and great compositions that drag you across the room to enjoy.

Light and Land - Mall Galleries
(C) John Matchett

John Matchett’s Namibia image pulled me towards, to answer the question was this brush or photography? Simple shapes and colours beautifully assembled, made this winner stand out on this exhibition wall.


Light and Land - Mall Galleries
(C) Philip Davis 

Philip Davis’s series of trees were a joy to behold. Far from my usual commercial camp, this array of well thoughtout shapes and tones sat effortlessly in its corner. I particulary like the Scottish pines dripping in moss, echoing my own similar oaks in Wistmans Wood.


Light and Land - Mall Galleries
(C) Ruth Asher

Ruth Asher’s gannets from Shetland was an absolute winner – a beautful lowlight image that turns birdlife into an abstract texture among the soft pastel seas. A unique image, combining environmental wildlife and landscape technique.

Light and Land - Mall Galleries
(C) Lisa Poncet

Lisa Poncet's triptych of three infrared images of trees in Zambia really was remarkable and for me was my personal favourite. She has shown how an unusual lens choice coupled with an unusual camera can create unique symbolism of our world. Sepia tinted, beautifully printed and eyecatching, they literally called me over to enjoy.


Light and Land - Mall Galeries