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Expert Shield Screen Protector Review

Remarkable precision engineered screen protectors that you will be so glad you bought.

Who likes looking through a dirty window? Well that used to be my opinion of screen protectors on DSLRs. When they first hit the market and I started to see other photographers using them, I could never quite see the point. They always appeared to be low grade plastic, lacking in contrast with a translucent silver sheen and dare I mention badly fitted; a wonderful way of enjoying images on your £5000 camera.

When I was approached by Expert Shields to try out their screen protector on my Canon 1DX, I was blasé. There’s nothing to lose and perhaps little to gain. Expert Shield are not specifically orientated at photographers. Their products target mobile phone and tablet users as well as the camera fraternity. After a brief email too and fro, the package I received was a complete surprise – two screen protectors for the Canon 1DX, one for my new 6D and also a bonus screen for my iPhone 5.  I have to say I was somewhat overwhelmed with their generosity and set about attaching my first screen protector.


You Guessed It – They’re Exceptional.
As I always like to cut to the chase with these articles, all I can say is buy one for your existing cameras and in advance of your new DSLR. Once placed onto the camera you have no idea it’s even there. The screen protector is so good that there is no drop in contrast or viewing enjoyment in the slightest. There’s no colour cast all change in luminosity, which means my Expert Shields are never going to come off, ever.

What are they like with finger grease and smears? Canon cameras always show a level of silvery smears, usually from the nose. I’m a rarer ‘left eye’ photographer (does everyone really use their right?)

The protector is easy to reply, with excellent instructions. Let me take you through just how straightforward it is.

If you are interested in purchasing the Expert Shield 1Dx protector screen - here's the link you need


Step One – use a soft paint brush and remove any possibility of grains of sand, small sea shells etc getting stuck to your brand-new screen. Examine the edges of the LCD as these often get trapped in the surrounding groove (I can’t recommend a paintbrush enough as essential kit in the camera bag). Now use the supplied lint free cloth to wipe any dust and remove any smears. I also used Eclipse fluid to buff to a shine, as this will be the last time it sees the light of day.


Step Two – look for the cyan tabs on the reverse and facing side. These are going to be used to remove the two protective films on either side of your screen protector.


Step Three – take off the first protective film, the surface that will touch your cameras LCD screen. Line up, press down and with the width of your finger and ensure it is correctly lined up to the edges. With the plastic curving back under pressure applying the screen in a downwards motion.


Step Four – now, all that is left to do is remove the outer protective film. Pull the blue tab upwards and you’re done.


One of the marvellous things about the Expert Shield is that they hide years of wear. If your LCD is already slightly scratched, it returns it to brand new. The reason we see small those annoying hairline scratches on our LCD is because they are refracting light at different angles. With your protector placed on top, these will become completely invisible, which is so satisfying.


So am I happy a few weeks on? 
I am absolutely delighted. I fitted protective screens to my 1DX, 6D and iPhone. The phone is still retains complete sensitivity and doesn’t hinder user operation in the slightest. I have just had my infrared converted 6D returned, so guess who I will be calling on Monday?

The price? It’s not going to be £1.99 - if it was I would have eneded this review at paragraph one. When you see the quality plastic and precision engineering that goes into making these, £6.95 is not a lot to pay to ensure a scratch free LCD, which makes that second hand retail price on your DSLR worth every penny.

Highly recommended. A brilliant easy-to–apply product that saves your LCD from files, scratches and restores those that have been marked to a like new state. 
